St. John Lutheran Church - Believe It! Live It! Share It!
Luther's Large Catechism
You've probably have heard of Luther's Small Catechism but are your familiar with the Large Catechism of Martin Luther? Why it was written and who it was written for? What makes the Large Catechism different from the Small? And what can we learn more about who God is from this wonderful explanation of scripture. Join us as we take a closer look at the Large Catechism.
FREE Coffee for all who attend and occasional goodies as well.
Portals of Prayer
Men of all ages are invited to join us as we dig into God's Holy Word reading through portions of scripture and then read the daily devotion from Portals of Prayers (available for free at the church). We meet at Old 29 Café, for breakfast and the Word. No need to buy breakfast come and just feast on the Word with fellow men of the congregation and enjoy some casual conversation along the way as well.
THURSDAY STUDY @ 10 AM - Church Fellowship Hall
No Class- January 23rd
Ruth & Esther
Have you ever read the Book of Ruth or hwo about Esther?
Ruth while only 4 chapters long teaches that genuine love at times may require uncompromising sacrifice. Regardless of our lot in life, we can live according to the precepts of God. Genuine love and kindness will be rewarded. God abundantly blesses those who seek to live obedient lives. Obedient living does not allow for "accidents" in God’s plan. God extends mercy to the merciful.
Esther is 10 chapters and in which we see the display of the providence of God, especially in regard to His chosen people. God's presence surrounds Esther throughout the entirety of her narrative. While God's name is never stated, you can easily tell how God is working and weaving His plan to fruition through Esther. His presence, even in His seeming absence, is clear. The same is true for your life: God is always present with you, even when you feel He is absent. Just because God seems hidden does not mean He is absent, but rather, that He is working faithfully behind the scenes. He never abandons His creation, and He works diligently through you to propel His plan forward.
Join us on Thursday mornings as we take a closer look at the Books of Ruth and Esther - diggering deeper into who these ladies of the Old Testament.